Title Boxing (3 volumes)

Title Boxing - How To Hit The Heavy Bag

The Heavy Bag is one of the oldest, time-honored staples in the sport of boxing. It has been around since the days of the bare-fisted warriors of past centuries. It is also one of the most misused and under utilized pieces of training equipment in the gym.

Noted former professional boxer, referee, trainer and promoter Danny Campbell shows the inside secrets from the pros to mastering the heavy bag. There is so much more than simply throwing punches and waling away at a hanging heavy bag. In this segment you will learn how to successfully work the bag in these areas:

* Selecting the proper bag for your skills and level
* Correct spacing and distance from the bag to achieve maximum power and benefits
* Throwing the jab, straight right and left, hooks, uppercuts, body shots and more
* Successfully navigating around the bag to achieve full cardiovascular results
* Drills to developing speed and power in your heavy bag workout
* Throwing correct punches in combinations

Title Boxing - Boxing Defensive Skills and Drills

Hit And Don't Get Hit

The name of the game is to successfully hit your opponent and not get hit. Like most competitive sports there is an offense and defense. And just like most sports, defense wins championships.

Noted former professional boxer, referee, trainer and promoter Danny Campbell shows you how to avoid, block, defend and/or counter almost every punch an opponent throws. There is a split second, in many cases, where a boxer must convert from offense to defense and then back to offense again without thinking but reacting. Learn how to successfully:

* Get into the proper stance and positioning
* Defend against the jab, straight right hand, left hook and uppercut
* Roll under and spin off punches
* Defend against body shots

Title Boxing - Advanced Training and Boxing Techniques

Unique Information And How-To's To Conquer Every Style

Are you looking for advanced training techniques that will help take your game to the next level? Don't know how to overcome the Southpaw? Having trouble cutting off the ring on your opponents? How to correctly respond to the pressure fighter? Overcoming the defensive boxer a shortcoming? Need to learn how to attack a fighter on the ropes?

Jeff Fenech, 3-time world champion and top professional trainer takes his (down under" experience and secrets of the pros to you in easy to follow concise instructions. These are the same training how-to's and drills he used to win the world title multiple times and what his stable of champion boxers incorporates in their daily workouts and fights.

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