Togakure Ryu the oldest school of the deadly ninja arts has survived for nine centuries. The strategy formulated for surviving the most difficult of conditions in enemy territory is shown first hand by the world's leading authority on the ninja arts. The use of this school's specialities: the shuriken, blinding powders and hand claws demonstrate the principles of the ninja's ability to confuse, disappear and evade their opponents. The 10 techniques of the 'Santotonkou' forms show counters against grabs, kicks and punches from single and multiple attackers.The use of ukemi (rolling, break falls and gymnastics) to counter or evade are shown with 6 techniques. Defenses against multiple swordmen. 'Sakkijutsu' or the 5th dan test (picking up the opponent's intentions from behind) also shown. A good seller, showing effective use of ninjutsu.
Full colour 30 min.
Narrated by Masaaki Hatsumi subtitled in English